60 days with Just a Carry On

Traveling light is our mantra for this trip.  Too often we pack too much stuff and end up lugging huge bags around with stuff we didn’t need to bring.  Packing for a two-month trip brings its own set of challenges, particularly the climate differences between Madrid and Dublin, but we’ve all agreed that we can fit everything we need in a single carry on.  Since laundry facilities are included on many of the places we’ve rented, we really only need to bring a week of clothing.

The kids and Lisa will be using the High Sierra AT3 rolling bag.  Designed to fit in the overhead compartment of even the stingiest of European airlines, these bags also sport backpack straps for longer walks across cobblestone streets and the like.  It’s an ingenious piece of luggage that separates when we’re on the plane with the rolling part of the luggage stowed above with the detached backpack under the seat.  When we’re on the move, the bag zips back together and works as a rolling bag or backpack.

I splurged on the Aeronaut bag from Seattle luggage manufacturer Tom Bihn. This bag is near indestructible and also sports backpack straps for longer jaunts.  I also bought specially designed packing cubes to keep my clothes organized.  I got to tour the factory when I bought my bag and am doubly impressed with the craftsmanship involved in making such a fine piece of luggage.

We’ll let you know how this all works out!

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