Chasing Windmills

We finished our month in Spain by visiting the region famous for its ancient windmills that Don Quixote jousted with on his trusted steed Rozinante.


For the past four weeks, Lisa had been pining to see a windmill, so we took a detour on our way back to Madrid: back country roads, through little towns, the temperature rising as we moved further and further south.

By the time we parked our little car alongside one of the ancient unrestored windmills, now just crumbling rocks, it was plenty hot: 34 degrees celsius and still morning. Of the thirteen windmills here, ten have been fully restored, only lacking the canvas to harness the wind that must blow pretty hard on this mostly desert plain.

We drove away from these beautiful structures with smiles on our faces. We found our windmills and were ready to say goodbye to Spain. It was an incredible month: 2,500 kilometers driven across a good portion of the country from Madrid through Burgos, Bilbao, the Basque Country, Barcelona, Valencia, Cuenca, and finally Madrid again. Lots of memories created and a plan already hatching for Lisa and I to visit again someday.








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