
Yesterday was a rest day.  Kids slept til 1 then we wandered to the park and spent the day playing frisbee and relaxing.  Much needed break.

On the way to the park we stopped for lunch and then got reservations for a flamenco show.

I had my first official sangria….I’m hooked.  So delicious….

Had our first bad meal today :(. Paella that had undercook shrimp and clams (though we ordered one with no clams). I did not eat it because with my allergies it was too many risk factors….oh well – I did have another sangria which was equally delicious! 

The flamenco show was absolutely breathtaking.  Very raw and aggressive.  Different than anything I have seen before….mallory loved the guitar and Bob and I were mesmerized by the dancers.  Connor fell asleep 🙂

After this eventful night we went for churros and chocolate at midnight.  That was a treat!  Super delish!



We bought Mallory a ukulele.  She was lamenting no instrument for two months, so we bought her a small transportable one.  May complicate air travel a bit – but is making downtime more enjoyable for us all.




Good day all the way around:)

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One thought on “flamenco

  1. serafina

    It’s more important to have fun and take pictures than necessarily get them up — I can always see them in September!

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