Leaving Rome

After five days in Rome, we are headed for Florence on a train. Rome was everything we anticipated it to be. We went on a tour of the forum and Colosseum on our first day here. It was incredibly hot, but the tour guide was very knowledgable and worked hard to keep us engaged. After the tour we went to lunch and I discovered Lambrusco! A cold, sparking red wine. Made my day :).

On the second day we toured the Vatican museum, Sistine chapel and St. Peter’s basilica. st Peters was amazing! I was a bit underwhelmed by the Sistine Chapel, however. I know that it is almost a sacrilege, but it was very dark and there were SOOOO many people with guards ordering everyone to be quiet and keep moving….. The museum was impressive just by the shear number of marble statues and relics the various Popes have accumulated over the years. St. Peters was just beautiful.

I have to say, I was most impressed by the churches we stumbled into on our walks. Every day, working churches….Each one was a work of art in its own right. The domes and paintings and carvings….. I cannot express in words the sense of awe and wonder they inspired. Bob said it best, I think…”these are designed to make you believe in something bigger than yourself, but they are created by men, just the same”. It is amazing what men can do. I enjoyed the Roman churches more than the Spanish ones.

Food here was very good. Had pasta or pizza every meal. I was the only one who tried meat dishes. Had two different saltimbocas an fair roman style chicken stew. All were excellent,

After 17 years of marriage, Bob finally agreed to take me on a horse drawn carriage ride……romance is alive and well 🙂

Romans were very friendly and helpful. I am looking forward to Florence.









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