New York, New York

This is the last night in our whirlwind New York stay.  We are utterly exhausted…  Day 1 we got up early, walked to find a subway, then ended up taking a cab to Battery Park because we were running late.  Statue of Liberty tour was great.  We were able to go all the way up to the crown (very hard for me, cuz I am afraid of heights).  

The spiral staircase was awesome -super steep and super long!!!!  Had lunch in the oldest restaurant in NY and then walked to ground zero.  Went to a play then wandered around looking for the perfect pizza dive at 10:00 at night….FOUND IT!  Got home at midnight.  Was really cool to see Marisa Tomei and Michael C Hall on stage in a tiny venue.

We have soooo enjoyed the street performers – Mallory,especially.  So much amazing talent.  Had a great time in Central Park and at the MET.  Even Connor and I enjoyed it!  We did have to separate from Bob and Mallory, however :).  B & M were really focused on the minutia and C and I pretty much wanted to move it along.  The Armor exhibit was super cool as was the Egypt and Renaissance….  Had lunch on the steps of the MET while listening to yet more street performers.

We are now resting and watching the World Cup before we go to dinner in Little Italy.  Tomorrow we plan on MOMA, lunch in China town! Then off to the airport.  Except for some power struggle pains between Bob and I 🙂 and Mal and Con, all has gone very smoothly.   Early in the trip, so I am sure these small things will get ironed out as we go…..

Will keep posting!


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